We are proud to display our many Partners. Support those who support mentoring!
Level 5: Funders only, who have contributed $20,000 or more since January 2018

Canadian Tire: Jumpstart

Ontario Ministry of Education

Ontario Sport & Recreation Fund

Ontario Trillium Foundation

The Common Well Mutual Insurance Group

Pike Falls Classic Motorcycling INC. Lanark County

Lanark County
Beckwith Township
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ontario
Carole Marriner
Ascend/ Colby McGeachy Professional Corporation
New Horizons for Seniors Program
Perth & District Community Foundation
Tay Valley Township
Tim Hortons
Donations are cumulative therefore individuals or groups of individuals can move to a higher category as they donate or collect more money. Once a year donor contributions will be reassessed and changes will be made as needed.
If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to one of our staff members.