Art Contest
BBBSLC Spring Colouring & Drawing Contest Rules:
Parents are urged to allow their children to do the work and preparation for the contest without assistance.
Please follow guidelines listed under each category
To enter the contest please email:, and ensure the following is included:
Include a picture/video of your child colouring/drawing the image about halfway through
Drawing/coloured picture (scan or take a picture of finished product)
Include the age of your child
Include a picture/video of your child colouring/drawing the image about halfway through
If you would like your child’s picture displayed on our Facebook page/website please write: “I ________________ (insert your name) give permission for my child’s photo and first name to be released for social media purposes.”
All categories will be judged by the following:
Judges: Ashley Rankee (Owner of Rankee Doodles), Hilary Longtin (Teacher at Sacred Heart) and Kate Fleming (BBBSLC Mentoring Coordinator/After-School Program Facilitator)
Ages 6 and under: Colouring Contest
1st Prize: $5.00 Tim Hortons Gift Card, BBBSLC water bottle & picture posted on Facebook, Instagram & BBBS Website (with media consent)
- Colour the following picture:

Ages 7-9: Drawing/Colouring Contest
1st Prize: $5.00 Tim Hortons Gift Card, BBBSLC water bottle & picture posted on Facebook, Instagram & BBBS Website (with media consent)
- Draw the following picture (NO TRACING)!:
OR Colour the following image:
Ages 10-12: Drawing & Colouring Contest
1st Prize: $5.00 Tim Hortons Gift Card, BBBSLC water bottle & picture posted on Facebook, Instagram & BBBS Website (with media consent)
- On an 8”11 (regular printer paper) draw and colour a spring scene and in bubble letters or any kind of writing include the word: “Spring”
- Some ideas are but are not limited to flowers, grass, birds, trees, butterflies, children playing/riding bikes etc.
Colour one of the following:

Ages 12-15: Graphic Design/Drawing Contest
1st Prize: $5.00 Tim Hortons Gift Card, BBBSLC water bottle & picture posted on Facebook, Instagram & BBBS Website (with media consent)
- On an 8”11 (regular printer paper) draw and colour a spring scene and in bubble letters or any kind of writing include the word: “Spring”
- Some ideas are but are not limited to flowers, grass, birds, trees, butterflies, children playing/riding bikes etc.
- Create a graphic spring design using technology (powerpoint, word, pic collage, photoshop etc.)
- Design must be original but can use spring images off internet (follow copyright guidelines)
- The word “Spring” must be included on the image