3M Golf for the Kids – Is It Spring Yet?
For Immediate Release – April 12, 2018
Perth, ON –After such a long winter, plan to get out on the golf course for a good cause!
Mapleview will once again be the location for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County annual golf tournament on May 26th to raise funds for local mentoring programs. 3M Perth is the title sponsor, supporting the local agency and their goal of ensuring that “every child in Lanark County that needs a mentor has a mentor”.
The fun filled day is a shot gun start and the $85 registration fee includes a continental breakfast, BBQ lunch, a cart and 18 holes. Register early and save $5. There is a chance to bid on West Jet tickets on the silent auction table among many other great finds. Registration details can be found on the agency’s website – www.bigbrothersbigsisterslanark.ca
Sponsorships help increase the bottom line for the agency, and there are many options available, including hole sponsors, food sponsors, and more. It is great visibility for local businesses, and great support for an agency helping kids right here at home.
Mentoring programs are about prevention and building resilience. The research indicates that by providing children and youth with positive role models, mentoring programs demonstrate to them that they are valued, and that they possess the strength to overcome the obstacles they will undoubtedly face as they grow older. Mentoring also plays an important role in the future direction a child will decide to take later on in life, paving the way to a future full of possibilities. The Boston Consulting Group research shows that for every $1 invested in BBBS Mentoring Programs, $18 is returned to society.
Children who have been in mentoring programs see real, positive change. The children involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters go on to graduate from high school at a rate of 20% higher than the national average. 78% of those children who came from a social assistance background no longer rely on this form of income and a disproportionately high number of former Littles graduate from college or university compared to others in their age group. On the other hand, children who are denied the benefit of a positive role model are children who will continue to be deemed “at risk”, and not children “on the brink of success”.
Supporting Big Brothers Big Sisters can have BIG results. It can be as simple as a game of golf.
For more information about the tournament, or about other ways to get involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County, please call 613-283-0570 or visit their website at www.bigbrothersbigsisterslanark.ca.
For more information please contact;
Jennifer Miller, Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County Jennifer.miller@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca