Smiths Falls, Ontario, Canada – November 2, 2020 – Big Brothers Big Sisters Ontario (BBBSO) is pleased to announce the winner of the first on-line 50/50 Bigger Together raffle. Ms. Jaime Nixon of Lindsay, Ontario has won over $178,000.
The remaining funds are distributed to over 35 participating Big Brothers Big Sisters agencies across the province; helping fund their essential service of providing dedicated and caring mentors for young people facing adversity. This additional support comes at a time where agencies are seeing an influx of families and young people reaching out as many are facing even greater challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We received incredible support from communities across Ontario,” said Yolanda Ritsema of Big Brothers Big Sisters Kincardine and District. “This raffle will help replace some of the funding and resources lost when community events were cancelled due to COVID. On behalf of our volunteers and our youth, we would like to thank everyone who participated.”
The lucky winner, Jaime Nixon had volunteered with Big Brothers Big Sisters in high school, and although finances were tight, she took a chance on buying $40 worth of tickets. “This is life-changing for my family,” said Nixon, “and I was happy to support such a worthwhile cause as the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ontario.”
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ontario’s 40 agencies have now launched the next Bigger Together 50/50 Raffle! In Lanark County, please go to https://bigbrothersbigsistersraffle.5050central.com/?olc=lana to buy tickets.
The other half of the proceeds from this fantastic 50/50 fundraiser are going directly to the BBBS agencies across Ontario to support life-changing mentorship matches between waiting Bigs and Littles!
To buy your tickets for the November BiggerTogether 50/50 lottery, visit the official website.