Motorcycle Enthusiasts Provide Local Children With Funds To Attend Camp And A Christmas Party To Remember.
The money raised is to send local children to summer camp and for the Bigs and Littles from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County to enjoy a Christmas party at the Smiths Falls Civitan Club.
For over 20 years a group of motorcycle enthusiasts have been participating in motorcycle events and runs to benefit children in Lanark County.
The money they raise through these activities is used to send local children to summer camp and has provided more than 500 kids this opportunity over the years. They also provide funds for the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County (BBBSLC) to enjoy a Christmas Party at the Smiths Falls Civitan Club where they get to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner, fun activities, a visit from Santa, and gifts (done by the generosity of those that attend the ride and the Smiths Falls Canadian Tire).
The event was held on Sunday October 1, 2017, and approximately 100 people started the ride just in Rideau Ferry, and there were also three other locations starting. They joined up in various spots and had a final stop at the Army Navy Airforce Club in Carleton Place, where the riders enjoyed a burger, drinks and raffle prizes that had been donated by local businesses.