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Sarah Dingwall, BBBS After School Program Facilitator, Carrie Joyner-Castoro, Shoppers Drug Mart Owner, Tammy Edwards, BBBS Board Member, Angie Beaupre, BBBS After School Program Facilitator
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County would like to thank Shoppers Drug Mart in Smiths Falls for their efforts in raising money towards our Go Girls! program through their Love You Fundraiser.
The Smiths Falls Shoppers Drug Mart did a variety of activities to provide awareness and help raise funds for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County’s Go Girls! Program through their Love You Campaign.
Owner of the Smiths Falls Shoppers Drug Mart, shared that she thinks, “Go Girls! is a good program that helps empower young women.”
Go Girls! is one of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Lanark County`s most popular school based programs, serving upwards of 180 girls each year in Lanark County. Go Girls! is a group mentoring program for girls ages 12-14 that focuses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem. The Go Girls! program consists of 7 mentoring sessions, held over a 7-10 week period, within school facilities. Each 1.5-2 hour-long session is loosely structured around four themes: physical activity, healthy eating, self-esteem, and communication skills.
According to Sarah Dingwall who has lead multiple Go Girls Programs, “It`s very fulfilling to lead this program. When the girls finish the program, it is exciting to hear them complimenting one another about their character and not just about their looks.” She recalls, “One group in particular showed great growth in understanding friendship.”
When one participant was asked what she tells others (family/friends) about Go Girls!, she responded that “Go Girls! is somewhere that I come to feel more confident and strong.”
To donate to programs like this one please click on the donate button on our home page.